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Ten Reasons for Asian Americans to Vote for Trump

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1. President Trump delivered economic prosperity to Americans of all racial groups while keeping inflation under 2%. In contrast, Biden-Harris's reckless spending drove inflation to double digits. Senior Americans saw their lifelong savings diluted, while working families struggled to put food on the table.

2. President Trump will ensure public safety and reinforce law and order. In contrast, Kamala Harris supports defunding the police and Prop. 49 in California, which drove up crime rates.

3. President Trump will secure the border, support merit-based immigration, and grant foreign students graduated from American colleges green cards to stay. In contrast, Biden-Harris's open border policies allowed over 8 million illegal immigrants into America, leading to spikes in welfare spending (over $150 billion) and crime.

4. President Trump supports equal education rights for Asian Americans, helping win lawsuits against Harvard and suing Yale University. In contrast, Kamala Harris opposes the Supreme Court's Harvard rulings and wants to mandate racial equity (equal results).

5. President Trump will restore America First principles and put American interests first by negotiating fair and reciprocal trade agreements, keeping jobs in America, asking international allies to contribute their fair share in defense, and stopping aid to countries and organizations that hate America. In contrast, Kamala Harris is controlled by globalists who transfer American jobs overseas, cause trade deficits, and waste taxpayers' money on aid to countries and organizations that hate America.

6. President Trump will cut government spending and national debt through deregulation and by appointing Elon Musk as Secretary of Government Efficiency.

7. President Trump will maintain peace through strength. He is the only President in recent decades who did not launch a war and decisively defeated ISIS. In contrast, taking advantage of Biden-Harris's weak leadership, Putin invaded Ukraine and Hamas invaded Israel.

8. President Trump will stop extreme LGBTQ policies supported by Kamala Harris, such as allowing biological males to use girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, compete in women’s sports, expose young children to LGBTQ material, and encourage irreversible gender change surgeries.

9. President Trump will support the 1st Amendment and stop the Marxist takeover of America, which is supported by Kamala Harris: censorship, indoctrination of critical race theory, woke DEI programs, rewriting history, and a socialist agenda.

10. Kamala Harris will not bring moderate policies as she claims. She was one of the champions of all radical left policies implemented in California and was ranked as the most liberal senator in 2019. She has no proven record or ability to implement the common-sense policies America desperately needs.

Asian Americans Must Reject the Continuation of Biden-Harris Radical Policies

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Recently, the Kamla Harris Campaign formed an Asian community outreach initiative, presenting her as a daughter of South Asian immigrants who cares about Asians. However, her records suggest otherwise.


On crime, Asians in California have firsthand experience with Kamala Harris’ “soft on crime” policies that have transformed cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. Once considered crown jewels of Western civilization with decent public safety, these cities now face rampant crime, homelessness, and drug abuse. This shift began in 2014 when California’s Attorney General Kamala Harris championed Proposition 47. This legislation reclassified many nonviolent offenses valued at $950 or less, such as shoplifting an grand theft, as misdemeanors. Although similar laws exist in other states, the failure to prosecute these “nonviolent” crimes in California has led to widespread shoplifting and robbery. Public safety further deteriorated after the BLM movement in 2020, exacerbated by defunding police and the early release of violent criminals, policies which Kamala Harris supported.


Because majority of Asians are not physically big and strong, they become the most vulnerable targets for criminals. Since 2020, a number of anti-Asian violent crimes have been reported. In December 2021, six members of a violent robbery were arrested and charged for over 70 incidents of robbery, burglary, and theft targeting Asian Americans in the South Bay. In November 2023, Jasper Wu, a 23-month-old boy was struck by a stray bullet from a rolling gunfire exchange between rival gangs while his mother was driving on Interstate 880 in Oakland, California. 


On education, the Biden-Harris Administration openly supports the anti-Asian discrimination in college admissions. In February 2021, one month after President Biden took office, its Department of Justice dropped the racial discrimination lawsuit against Yale University, which had been launched by the Trump Administration on behalf of Asian American students. On June 29, 2023, when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down affirmative action and eliminated decades-long discrimination against Asian American students, Vice-President Harris opposed the ruling, calling it and “a step backward for our nation.” As she openly advocates for racial equity, which demands equal results among racial groups regardless of their efforts, many Asian Americans are concerned such racial quotas will limit their opportunities in employment as well.        


On politics, Asian Americans also feel wrongfully assaulted by Biden-Harris/Democrats’ identity politics. When many Asian students earn admissions to America’s selective colleges, they are labeled as “over-represented” and “having white privilege,” even though none of America’s public policies favor Asian Americans. The Biden-Harris Administration pay lip service to help Asians fight against “Asian Hate.” In reality, they incite jealousy and hate against Asians and discriminate against us in education and employment in the name of diversity and equity.


On economy, Asian Americans also suffer from reckless economic policies of Biden-Harris Administration. Within four years, mortgage and interest rates almost tripled, hurting many Asian homeowners and small business owners. When the inflation spiked under the Biden-Harris Administration, many low-income Asian families struggle to put food on their tables. Out of 24 million Asian Americans, about 2.3 million live in poverty. Other Asian Americans, especially seniors, have sadly seen the purchasing power their lifelong savings shrink. According to a 2023 Pew Research Center survey, inflation is the  number one concern by Asian American voters. 


On immigration, the Biden-Harris’ open border policies have allowed millions of illegal immigrants to pour into America, leading to a spike in crime and welfare spending. Meanwhile, disproportionately low quotas are still imposed on legal immigrants from Asia. According to the Immigration Act of 1990, each country has a maximum of 44,100 family-based immigrants and 14,700 employment-based immigrants per fiscal year. This causes a huge backlog, preventing many highly educated Indian and Chinese high-tech workers in America from obtaining green cards. Every year, tens of thousands of American-educated Asian talents cannot even get a working visa in America.


Contrary to what was claimed, Kamala Harris’ record shows that she has done more to harm Asian Americans than to protect our core interests. Her policies often fail to reflect the Asian American cultural values of self-reliance, pro-education, and pro-family, instead leaning towards a progressive ideology focused on racial equity and a socialist utopia. This is why she was ranked as “the most liberal senator” in 2019.


Fortunately, most Asian Americans are smart and well-educated. According to a 2023 Pew Research Center survey, “97% of Asian American voters believe a candidate’s policy positions are more important than their race or ethnicity when deciding whom to vote for.” In the 2024 presidential election, I am confident that most Asian voters will realize that we are worse off than four years ago, and elect President Trump back to the White House.


(Note: Yukong Mike Zhao is an Asian American leader advocating equal education rights, the president of Asians Making America Great Again. This article was published by India Abroad on October 13, 2024, Page 19-20.) 


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