The Stakes of 2024 Election
For nearly four years, Asian Americans have been harmed by the radical policies of the Biden-Harris administration, which include:
Racial equity and quotas which limit our equal education rights and employment opportunities.
Defunding police and soft-on-crime policies that endanger Asian American lives and properties in major cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia.
Open border polices that lead to spikes in welfare spending and crimes.
CRT/Woke Culture that undermine America’s founding principles, including our political freedom, the rule of law, and democracy.
Uncontrolled government spending which drives inflation and supply crises.
As Kamala Harris and Tim Walz’s records prove, a Harris-Walz Administration will accelerate their radical left agenda, expand their failing policies from California and Minnesota to the entire nation, and jeopardize the American Dream for all citizens, including Asian Americans.
We admire President Trump's courage and leadership to take on the major challenges America is faced with. We all benefited from the great successes of the Trump Administration (2017-2020): economic prosperity, low inflation, world peace through strength and America First! He supported equal education rights for Asian Americans too!
In July’s RNC Convention, President Trump laid out 20 Promises to Make America Great Again. He has the proven records to bring us public safety, economic prosperity and to stop the invasion of illegal immigration. Most importantly, electing President Trump will stop the radical socialist policies of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, restore the American Dream for Asians and all other Americans!

What Are We Fighting For
Asians Making America Great Again (AsiansMAGA) is a national alliance that aims to mobilize Asian American conservatives and moderates nationwide across multiple ethnic groups (Chinese, Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipinos, and others) to help President Trump win the 2024 election.
Here, we call upon all Asian Americans to join our efforts to defend our American Dream, by electing President Trump as our next President and stopping Harris-Walz’s radical agenda!